We Take The " PAIN " out of Paintingi!
Paul & Ruth Braida, Healey Lake
Paul & Ruth Braida, Healey Lake
This mail is to show our appreciation for the excellent work you did on our cottage on Healey Lake. Although the cottage is not a huge one, but combined with all the decking and stairways down to the lake, it added up to a rather big job.
Your input and recommendations as to color scheme and proper material choice was also greatly appreciated.
It was unfortunate that due to all the wet weather we had this season, the project took a little longer than expected .You stuck through it however, working overtime on the nicer days to complete the project in
a timely manner.
The local wildlife must have also admired your work. Even a bear came out to see what you were up to.
Your attention to detail is also a strong attribute, and was demonstrated by all the finicky detail work you did.
Your follow up to the project was also outstanding, which is another attribute demonstrated.
You are more than welcome to use our cottage as a showplace of your skills.
The best part was that my wife Ruth and I also made a new friend on the lake.
Keep up the great work.
Best of luck in the future!
Paul and Ruth Braida
Jim & Marg Gladwish, London
Jim & Marg Gladwish, London
I wish to let everyone know that we were and are so very happy about the work done at our house by Wall-2-Wa. ll Painting I would recommend her work to,anyone if you like come and see for yourselves.
Jim Gladwish & my good wife Margie
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in accumsan odio, ut venenatis sem. Nullam dignissim velit ante. Donec iaculis elit sit amet tortor convallis pharetra. Vestibulum pretium dolor id ante molestie faucibus. Donec quam ligula, imperdiet nec lacus ut, blandit blandit libero. Duis luctus, dui quis finibus convallis, nibh metus interdum mauris, et accumsan nulla lorem nec dolor.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in accumsan odio, ut venenatis sem. Nullam dignissim velit ante. Donec iaculis elit sit amet tortor convallis pharetra. Vestibulum pretium dolor id ante molestie faucibus. Donec quam ligula, imperdiet nec lacus ut, blandit blandit libero. Duis luctus, dui quis finibus convallis, nibh metus interdum mauris, et accumsan nulla lorem nec dolor.